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A knocking at the Door

The Scariest Thing that Would Ever Happen to You

We had just woken up on a saturday morning. We were sitting in our beds, Maggi on the right, and Brittany on another mattress right next to Maggi on the left. Maggi's back was facing the closet door and Brittany was facing it. Brittany had to go to the bathroom really bad, but when she was about to open the door she heard scratches on the other side, and said "Maggi knock it off". Brittany opened the door and she felt heavy and weasy, as she walked into Maggi's room, Maggi was still sleeping and then Brittany woke her up and screamed "You will NOT believe what had just happened to me". Brittany explained Maggi the story and all of a sudden they were joking about it, saying that it was just your imagination and that she shouldn't get freaked out by a little scratch that could have been anything.

Then all of a sudden, Maggi popped up and started breathing heavily looking at the stairs and looking at me repetitively, then it got silent and I heard the footsteps coming up the main stairs. It had gotten louder and louder each step it took. After about 2 minutes the walking had stopped. We started talking about weird things that we have experienced in the past, all of a sudden her closet door knob turned rapidly, then stopped. While Maggi's back was facing the door, I saw the door open, I screamed and I could barely hear Maggi talking to me because of my big gasps for breath. After I screamed, Maggi jumped on me and we booked it down stairs, where we both had a glass of cold water, and found us writing this right here. That's the scariest thing that would EVER happen to you, remember don't mess around with these things because you will never know what will happen to you.


Zakirhusain Abbas Chougule

17-Oct-2022 10:23 PM

